
Thursday, September 7, 2017

City Council Candidate Anthony Beckford shuts down the Parkway

Now many of us have been following politics and some have been following entertainment. Well, we had to follow both this past Monday, because one local candidate stuck out and showed out.  So many of you so the politicians walking in the front of the parade looking like a funeral procession; ex: De'Blasio, Cuomo, Bo Dietl, Jumaane Williams, etc.  Yes, we know, it was a damper on our cultural celebration and did not have any sincerity to it.  Everything was staged and scripted.  After feeling that we needed to be resuscitated, we were given hope.  This beacon of hope was wearing white pants, a white shirt, black and grey sneakers with a backpack on his bag. His banner was 5'x7' and his supporters were genuine.  He had children from what looked like, 6 months old to 10 years old and adults ranging from 18 to probably their 50s lined up behind his banner as he took his position in front of his banner and looked around at all the people on Eastern Parkway and smiled a knowing smile.  This beacon of hope seems to be exiled by the mainstream media since he is going against a popular incumbent.  Well it's a good thing the independent media networks have been spotting him because he seems to never do things for the spotlight or for fame and glory, he has this sense of being humble. His name is ANTHONY BECKFORD and he is running for City Council for District 45, which comprises of Flatbush, East Flatbush, Midwood, Flatlands and parts of Canarsie.  The last we reported about Anthony Beckford, was when he spoke out against police corruption and brutality.  This serious advocate and activist who is Jamaican, Cuban and TaĆ­no Indian, showed us that he has a fun side to him.  A true representation of the Black Lives Matter movement, as well as an all around good guy.  We caught up with him and he had this to say "The media uses the downfalls in our community to demonize and criminalize us.  That's not right at all.  Crime happens everyday, we will put a stop to it, but don't tie it to our celebration of our cultures. Tie it to societal racial disparities, lack of funds, poverty, slave conditionings and so forth.  The media needs to stop hiding the massive amounts of sexual assaults and traumas that happen during the St. Patrick's Day Parade and so forth. The racist agendas of the coverage needs to stop. Today we are here to celebrate our cultures and have a good time. This is a time of release."

It was also, good to see that he included other candidates in his parade supporters. He had Persephone Smith, who is the first and only Trans Woman running for City Council in District 37 and had the first ever LGBTQIA District Attorney Candidate Marc Fliedner, along with him. Both of these candidates, Anthony Beckford supports and endorses fully for their seats that they are running for. And, the attendees of the West Indian Day parade were enjoying their energy.   Now, I don't know about y'all, but this seems like one of the realest people in this upcoming election who is actually about the people and the communities.   If you don't believe us, check out the photos and videos below and see why the Parkway went from being a showcase of political dog and pony showings to being about culture, unity and fun.

(photo credit: Peter Eliscu)

photo credit: Paulette Woodard

(photo credit: Peter Eliscu)

photo credit: Joshua Lopez

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